11 Best Digital Marketing Skills to Learn in 2022

In today’s technology-driven digital world, the dynamics of businesses have been evolving with each passing day, which demands entrepreneurs and marketers to take advantage of this digital revolution.

As more businesses are making inroads into the online space, demand for skilled digital marketing professionals is on the rise.

The Covid-19 pandemic made everyone realize the importance of going digital and businesses are no different. The businesses that adopted digital platforms and digital marketing survived the devastation of pandemics. Businesses that are not adopting the digital way run the risk of being wiped out.

Some specialized skills in the field of digital marketing are in huge demand and they also carry a high-paying salary tag.

As digital marketing itself is a really vast subject, one needs to choose a specialization or niche and excel in that chosen niche.

As students or professionals from other industries, one might have a lot of queries such as where to start, how to learn, what to learn, and most importantly from whom to learn?

Don’t worry. We have got your back. Read on to learn about the top 11 niche digital marketing skills that one can learn to have a successful career in this highly rewarding digital marketing industry.

Best Digital Marketing skills to learn

Content marketing skills

Good content pulls a company’s target audience to the brand. The audience does not take any action if they are not impressed by the content. 

So content is considered as the heart or core of digital marketing and content marketing will always be an important part of digital marketing.

Content marketing is a great job in itself. The aim of content marketing is to create evergreen, high-quality, and SEO-friendly content that effectively engages and connects the audience with the brand.

A well written and relevant content is crucial for every digital marketer but creatively incorporating SEO keywords helps to optimize it, drive traffic to the web page and help the content to rank on search engines.

As the audience today has become more aware and wants to see the quality, well-written and promotional content of the business, a company has to stay edgy and relevant with its content on social media.

Strategic distribution of content on various channels is an important aspect of content marketing. To execute a marketing strategy, a content marketing professional deals with multiple team members. One needs to be creative and full of ideas to carry out this job effectively 

As content marketing plays a very crucial role in digital marketing, you can have a rewarding career if you pursue this career and improve yourself continuously.


Copywriting is the form of writing for a business or company to sell a product or service. So nowadays it has become a vital part of digital marketing as it helps to amplify online marketing efforts.

Various social media platforms, websites, and advertisements are now using copywriting to increase brand awareness and target audiences.

Copywriting is not just about building and writing sentences in English and posting them. It is about tapping the emotions of customers and creating the curiosity within them to make a purchase.

A good copy is written in such a way that it leaves a curiosity within the audience to want to know more about the product and business and make your brand stand out from the crowd.

As copywriting is the most essential part of a brand’s success, it is one of the best skills you can learn for a successful career. Copywriting is also considered one of the highest-paid skills.  

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

None of your work as a digital marketer matters unless people see it. Driving traffic to your webpage is the first and foremost step in a digital marketing field as it helps you to connect with the audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important strategy to drive traffic to the website. A better understanding of it helps in the better execution of the marketing.

As SEO is the key to all levels of digital marketing, anyone going to digital marketing must have the basic knowledge of it.

As the algorithm of Google is updating constantly and the world wide web is becoming more crowded each day, it is more crucial to stay fully aware and fully updated about the factors and latest updates of the google algorithm that affect search ranking.

Opportunities for SEO experts are plenty as more and more businesses are going digital and they would need these experts for their online organic growth. 

Learning SEO and continuously improving the skills would go a long way in shaping up your career in the Digital Marketing industry.

Data and Analytics skills

Data analysis is the center of the marketing strategy and helps to make better data-driven decisions for your website. Most businesses have a lot of data to track and a good digital marketer needs to know how to gather, analyze and use the information about customers and apply it to boost the traffic and conversion to the website.

The detailed information about the audience like where the traffic comes from, the interests of the audience, the most attractive keywords as well as the type of device they use to reach you, is the most valuable source of a digital marketer to know about the insights of audiences.

Any form of customer data is useless if you don’t know how to analyze it to study the audiences and create a marketing strategy according to that data to grow your business.

So nowadays, companies are looking out for professionals who can not only read the data but also use their marketing technical skills to extract value from the data to improve the future strategy. So if you can do that in an innovative way, then you will be a valuable asset for the company and help in the campaign’s success.

Learning more about Google Analytics and applying it in your work to track the behaviors and other metrics of your audience would give you a clear path to strategize and execute your plans.

You can go ahead and do certification on Google Analytics as well.

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Paid advertisements are one of the best and fastest ways to reach the target audience and get the desired results. Businesses need paid advertisement specialists to run their campaigns and bring them more revenues from their marketing efforts.

Learning how to run Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Native Ads will take your career to new heights.

In 2020, amidst the pandemic, Google made revenue of a whopping $104 billion just from Google ads-related activities. As more and more businesses are going online and e-commerce is growing leaps and bounds, paid advertisement specialists are in demand.

So start learning this skill for better job opportunities. You can even do certifications provided by Google on Paid Ads and that will strengthen your resume and help you land a rewarding job.

Email marketing

Marketing is all about reaching the target audience to increase brand awareness and making them take action. About 67% of Internet users check their emails first thing in the morning. So reaching them via email is a no-brainer.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to nurture a good relationship with customers. 

Email marketing is not just about sending emails to customers but understanding the right way to design the email campaign, metrics, and tools to create a dynamic email marketing campaign. This includes identifying platform navigation, analyzing click rates, and running email campaigns.

For every $1 spent on email marketing efforts, the return on investment (ROI) is $42, which makes email marketing the most profitable marketing channel out there.

More and more businesses, especially e-commerce companies, are relying heavily on email marketing.

So with the finely-tuned email marketing skills, you can perform experiments and build out the list, gaining valuable insights about your audience to drive your goals and hence can have a successful and high-paying career as an email marketing professional.

Video production and video editing

Video grabs the attention of the user quickly rather than other contents do. According to a survey of “the state of video marketing research” 93% of marketers admit that videos are the important strategy of their business 87% of them report a positive ROI.

As the youth are engaging with video more than before, video marketing has become a powerful tool of brand awareness, lead generation, and promotion. Hubspot has done a study that shows that 50% of consumers prefer video content over other forms of content.

The applications like youtube, Instagram reels, and TikTok have changed the way of video content. So various businesses are providing more and more video content to their customers to improve engagement. It makes video production, marketing, and video editing skills one of the top skills to learn in 2022.

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Social media marketing 

These days, the world of social media has become the biggest platform for public interaction. Nearly one-third of the entire population is currently using some type of social media platform and social media marketing is used by almost 97% of global share companies.

So undoubtedly, social media marketing has become an invaluable skill set in digital marketing.

As a social media marketing professional, you can take the advantage of using social media skills to inform and engage people with your businesses and services. Because businesses are using social media to reach their customers, social media platforms have significantly evolved to meet digital marketing needs.

As community management is about seizing every opportunity to develop a better relationship with the customers, it also goes hand to hand with social media skills.

As a social media professional, you need to sharpen your skills on each of the social media platforms and understand the behavior of the audience to formulate an effective social media strategy. 

There are a lot of things to learn about social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Quora, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and skills like social media advertising, social pages, and groups, hashtags, boosted posts, copyrights, analyze reach and engagement, build ads, create visuals, generating engagements to the social media platforms, etc. apart from posting content on these platforms.

So if you acquire skills to effectively manage social media, you will be a valuable asset for any company and your skills will always be in demand.

Additional digital marketing skills

Besides the above core skills, there are a few additional skills you can acquire that would add value to your overall digital marketing skillsets.

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Lead generation

Generally, a lead refers to a person who has shown interest in your company or business, and lead generation refers to the process of gaining the interest of a customer to make a purchase.

Lead generation in a business is a basic required phase and in the forefront of digital marketing campaigns which aims to generate traffic to the website, conversion of those website visitors into leads, and leads into paying customers.

Lead generation is crucial for any business as it provides potential customers which is a basic need to grow the business. So this skill is the most in-demand skill for a business and having this skill in your kitty can help propel your career to newer heights.

Basic designing skills

In the world of marketing, it is not only all about texts, but also involves well-designed visual appearances. Content along with a better visual representation performs better on all social media platforms. 

So a grasp of basic designing skills along with the knowledge of how to organize information for legibility is a huge asset for digital marketers and it often begins with an intuitive understanding of customer’s experience.

A digital marketing professional needs to perform everyday tasks like selecting and changing the images that will appear on the social media feeds of a company or putting together the layout for an email newsletter. 

So the basic skills of designing can help in a great way to shape your career in the field of digital marketing.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Connecting with customers on a personal and emotional level increases brand loyalty which adds an advantage to the brand. So to improve customer service management a digital media marketer should be installed with skills like communication and empathy. 

Monitoring customer experience helps various businesses to understand the growing need of the targeted audience. To monitor and maximize customer experience, digital marketers need to develop the skill of customer relationship management (CRM).

There are various CRM applications like Zoho and HubSpot that help digital marketers for better customer relationship management. Being proficient in these applications is an added advantage.


With more and more businesses going digital and making their presence felt in the online space, there will be an abundance of job opportunities and more and more digital marketers will be needed going forward.

With such a good career option available, enrollment of students for digital marketing courses is also on a rise. Even professionals from other industries are switching their careers post-pandemic to digital marketing to take advantage of this digital revolution and be a part of it.

To have a successful and high-paying career in the Digital Marketing field, you need to learn these above-mentioned skills.

Remaining updated and gaining relevant knowledge will surely help you to become a successful digital marketer.

If you want to learn these amazing skills, then you can join our specially designed digital marketing courses and mentorship programs.

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