The Numerous Scope of Digital Marketing in 2022

You are geared up to start your career as a digital marketing professional but still wondering what is the scope of digital marketing in India or worldwide. How can it serve you for a better future?

Then you are in the proper place. You can get an awesome headstart with this article. So if you want your question to be answered and diving deeper into digital marketing, and are interested in finding out the growth, future, career, and scope in digital marketing then keep reading this.

Marketing always refers to the connection of the brand with the customers. However, Marketing techniques get evolved day by day as per the ways by which customers are getting information. Billboards lead to radio advertising which then leads to TV advertisement.

Although TV ads have remained the prime advertising medium, the advent of technology and the continuous increase of internet users, call the need for digital marketing.

What is digital marketing?

Before going to read about the scope of digital marketing, you must have an idea about digital marketing and what the industry is about.

So basically, digital marketing is the promotion of brands to connect with their potential customers through any digital media platform. It is a type of campaign that involves online communication.

As you know, today’s generation is an online generation. Today everything is running online. The affordable smartphones and cheap data services give the chance to everybody to come online and access the internet easily.

This leads the business and companies to make their presence online to make more sales. They are now using various social media channels and other digital media platforms like email, and websites to reach their customers. Besides this, the business is today also using other nonsocial media channels to convey its message to the customers.

Why do companies use digital marketing?

As the marketing strategy is evolving day by day, the business is staying up to date and adding online additives to their traditional ways, and combining digital marketing tricks to have an online presence.

Digital marketing is crucial for any business as the customers are doing their day-to-day work online and researching any product online before doing any purchase.

Digital marketing is a great field to target customers online. Not only it helps to target customers online, but it also provides the ease to target a particular group of the audience as per their age, gender, interest, location, etc. 

They are also retargeting the potential customers who are familiar with the brand by using various methods and strategies of digital marketing.

The principal reason for which companies are using digital marketing for the promotion of the brand as it provides the highest and fastest ROI with a low investment. Research shows that the cost of lead in online marketing is 61% less than in traditional marketing.

Using digital marketing gives the scope of reaching mobile users as well as increasing connectivity. There are 14 billion mobile users worldwide and the number keeps increasing day by day. So it enables a business to reach the customers easily anywhere and at any time.

Digital marketing tools are also user-friendly which enables the user to use them properly with no effort. However, you need some creativity and skills to pay attention to your website.

In the end, the main goal of every company is profit. With the proper use of digital marketing tools and tactics, companies are getting high profits, achieving their goals, and competing with their competitors.

Why should a student learn digital marketing?

Digital marketing has emerged as a great course to pursue which serves a magnificent career in the past few years. With rapid digitalization, when everything works digitally and companies are competing to robust an online presence, the demand for digital marketers is at its peak.

You may get amazed to hear that around 69% of the companies are going to hire digital marketing professionals in their companies. So opting for it as a career may assist you to have an excellent future ahead.

Besides that digital marketing is a sort of activity that has high growth potential. You can work as a social media marketer, content writer, SEO specialist, and email marketer as per your niche but with having all the knowledge you can additionally work as a digital marketing professional.

The scope of digital marketing is enormous. It is such a career with which you can get a job that offers you the chances of recession-free jobs, the highest-paid salary, and freelancing work opportunities with flexible work hours and the workplace.

Want to learn more?

Then visit our blog How to start your career in digital marketing in 2021- A step by step guide to get in-depth knowledge about digital marketing.

Growth of digital marketing

A study by shows that 59% of the total population which is 4.66 billion users are currently using the internet which was less than 1% in the year 1995. This shows the growth of digital marketing in the past few years.

As per another study, 5.3 billion people around the world are going to use the internet by 2022. It shows that a large number of people are shifting online. That’s why companies are feeling the complete sense of marketing online.

It demonstrates the higher potential of e-commerce and greater growth rates of digital sales. Especially in India, with the emergence of 4G internet services, the total number of internet users has increased a lot which sets the field for digital marketers to target audiences.

2020 and 2021 have seen a drastic growth in digital marketing. In this COVID pandemic, when every industry has shown a significant fluctuation, digital marketing is the only field that stands sturdy and has grown exponentially.

Another surprising thing is that the google search volume ofdigital marketing courses was 60,500 per month in May 2019 but it has increased to 90,500 per month in May 2020.

It shows that people are realizing the value of digital marketing and want to pursue this course.

Then why don’t you start your career in digital marketing today?

But before that, you need to start your learning or training on that.  FluenceTech Academy is a leading digital marketing institute that offers a well-structured course curriculum with exposure to practical knowledge. So get enrolled in a digital marketing course at FluenceTech Academy and give your career a boost.


Scope of digital marketing

By now, you must have conscious that digital marketing is a growing field with lots of future scopes and opportunities. So let’s discuss them briefly.

Careers in digital marketing

 We discussed earlier the rising popularity of the usage of digital marketing for various companies. so companies are adopting this marketing strategy for increasing sales of their companies.

After the post-pandemic, when the job market has faced disaster and diminishing, it is now increasingly focusing on digital and technical abilities and searching for skilled digital marketers to carry out this work thus the requirement for digital marketers is at its peak.

According to the Goldman Sachs report, the career scope of digital marketing in India alone is going to be 160 billion dollars by 2025. When you consider on a global scale the number increases up to three times.

It shows the future scope of digital marketing and the career it is going to offer.

Jobs in digital marketing

As you know the future career and scope of digital marketing, let’s come to the various job roles with the salary that you can get as you pursue digital marketing.

  • Social media marketer – 2-7lac per annum
  • SEO specialist – 1-4 lac per annum
  • Content writer- 4 -10lac per annum
  • Email marketer- 2-10lac per annm
  • Digital marketer- 1-10lac per annum
  • Web analyst- 2-6lac per annum
  • Google ads specialists- 4-8lac per annum
  • Link building specialists-1-7lac per annum 

If you want to know more about the various skills that you can learn in digital marketing, then let’s have a look at the scenario of7 high paying digital marketing skills to be learned in 2022.

There are a lot of job opportunities ahead in digital marketing. You just need to be innovative, creative, and updated with the latest trend to grab these opportunities. 

Future of digital marketing

The growth of digital marketing is very impressive and goes on an upward trend. So it can be observed that the future of digital marketing is secure, stable, and bright.

The growth in the usage of the internet we have witnessed in the past few years is not going to stay. People are adapted to this and love to carry out things online. So to cater to the demand of consumers, digital marketing is very much necessary.

As the future is going to be dependent upon digital sectors, to be able to deliver the necessity of future customers, digital marketing has already set its foot and will be adopted by other remaining companies.


After going through this blog, you must come to a conclusion where you agree that the scopes of digital marketing are enormous. This covid pandemic has realized marketers that having an online presence is very much essential to connect with the customers.

No wonder the digital marketing fields are the best way for promoting brands and communicating with customers. So a lot of companies are migrating toward digital marketing from traditional marketing and offering the best opportunity ahead.

Then, what are you waiting for!

Come and grab your seat at FluenceTech Academy and start your career today.

Click here to enroll now.